Two Very Useful Phone Numbers To Save When Living In Los Angeles

If you are a resident in L.A. I have a useful tip for you, save these numbers in your phone. Whether you live in an apartment or a house. Regardless if you're an owner or a tenant, these two numbers could be your best kept secret when stored on your phone. 

The first is Bulky Item pick up: 800.773.2489. Sadly, throughout our city folks do not dispose of their junk accordingly, and so often on the blocks we live do their random discarded piles of peoples junk left out on the curb for weeks on end. With this useful number stored in your phone, it doesn't need to be that. Bulky Items is like a hotline whose operators pick up quickly and 24/7. You must provide an inventory of what’s out there for trash, so even if there are more items you know or can recognize, you can just list a random guess of what you saw. Within a week it will all be removed. 

That same number has an option to select for Container Replacement: 800.773.2489. So many of our homes and apartment units have beat up, broken and graffitied trash containers. It doesn’t need to be that way. Call the number, and they will within a week replace your black, blue or green container with shiny brand new ones. You should take a picture on our phone of the ones being replaced, as they do need the serial number. Also you must identify to them the damage on the container being replaced. If you need more or less containers, you can call them to fine tune your quiver. Lastly, know there are three different sizes for each of these. I have a property with very little leafy landscape, no grass, and so the green container I requested from them is super small. Then I removed a couple black and subbed in a larger blue bin. Now all are clean, new, and appropriately sized. 

Finally, and what is a new gem for me that I just learned of, is Parking Enforcement: 800.222.6366. With more taking to camping in their broken down and often hazardous vehicles, you as resident in L.A. have the ability to report such vehicles. Parking enforcement isn't 24/7 and so you should call during normal business hours. They will ask for the color, make, model and license plate number of the vehicle. Enforcement will come out that same week, mark the tire, and return within another 72 hours. If at that time the vehicle hadn’t moved, they will cite or tow the vehicle. 

Bulky Item: 800.773.2489

Container Replacement: 800.773.2489

Parking Enforcement: 800.222.6366


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